China hatches a plan of running single-stack IPv6 network by 2030
Posted at 2021-12-16 09:36:04
There have been many running stories on the internet that talk about the massive IPV6 format of system overhauling by China. Many have predicted such a move by China about the massive drive in the demand for IPV4 addresses and major shortages globally. China has been hinting at such a model adoption with various action plans that have been implemented in the past. In 2017, the country adopted a massive Future of Internet action plan, that is routed to revolutionize how the country uses the internet network.
The recent pandemic has further added to the scarcity of IPV4 network protocol. This is something that is expected to further bolster the effort by the nation to have single stack domination on the IPV6 network.
China's Plans For IPV6 Induction
China's Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission and Cyberspace Administration have laid out a strategy for widespread IPv6 adoption.
The first major step was taken in their 2017 adoption of a "future of Internet" policy, which was a vision towards the future of internet usage in the country. It paved the way for the future and how the nation looked at revolutionizing its present network.
According to a Notification on Accelerating the Massive Implementation and Adaptation of IPv6 published on 23rd July 2021, China will have 800 million people who are active IPv6 users by the year 2023. Alongside, close to 200 million Internet of Things equipment that uses the framework.
How China Plans At Complete Overhaul Of The System
Furthermore, by the year 2023, home broadband routers would be needed to allow and completely support the IPv6 framework as a default model. The stated protocol would be accounting for close to 30% of the total national need.
Many consumer equipments will be compelled to include IPv6 by default. 50 percent of mobile user traffic will need to use the brand-new framework, and IPv6 will be re-routing 15% of metropolitan region internet traffic.
To complete the complete overhaul procedure, China has decided to not allow any network to use the IPV4 format. This can be seen as a move that indicates China's plans at a single stack system for the nation.
How The Numbers Add Up
By the year 2023, the active internet of things users across China is expected to cross the 800 million mark. With such a huge internet usage traffic, the country plans to convert close to 70% of the internet users to an IPV6 network system. This is estimated at a whopping 400 million IPV6 users. By 2025, the country plans to have more than 95% of its population using the IPV6 network system. A single major network stack that would run the whole of the countries network traffic.
How The Vision Will See Daylight?
To ensure the single stack model works and sustains the huge amount of internet data, there are various collaborations at government and private levels. The sheer purpose of these collaborations is to test out the feasibility of the system. There are various test labs with the infrastructure needed to test just such future models. In the year 2021, the country had set up a massive testing infrastructure called "Future internet". This is a testing infrastructure set up that will test the feasibility of the countries Action plan for countrywide IPV6 implementation.
Why IPV6 Is Important To China?
The rollout of the highly ambitious 5g model is central to China and its ruling party, the Chinese Communist Party. The IPV6 is seen as an important tool for the countrywide rollout of 5g, which provides an important insight to its citizen, a subject of national security for the party. The huge amount of data that will be generated from the network will be fed into a state-of-the-art artificial intelligence system, which will allow greater surveillance of the state and its subjects.
However, the nation has a present number of close to 25% internet population using IPV6 network, a number which is still behind countries like India, Japan, Germany, and Malaysia. Currently, the country ranks 34th in this regard.