Buy, Lease, or Sell IPv4 Addresses in 2020
Posted at 2020-02-11 10:12:11

IPv4 is a system of assigning unique IP addresses based on 32-bit numbers. It allows the creation of 4.3 billion addresses.
For over three decades, IPv4 has remained as the standard for IP addresses, but now it has run out of addresses.
The internet is comprised of five RIRs (Regional Internet Registries). Initially, every RIR had a pool of free IPv4 addresses.
Presently, this free pool of four RIRs has been exhausted and the 5th RIR of Africa has declared entry into the 1st phase of exhaustion.
Key reasons for the supply crunch of IPv4 addresses are:
1. Number of users as of 2019 already exceeds 4.3 billion.
2. Demand for IPv4 addresses grows at a faster pace due to growth in IoT (Internet of Things) based technologies.
3. IPv6, the replacement for Ipv4, has not caught up with the market demand.
4. IPv4 cannot generate new addresses, but its demand continues to grow.
The growing gap between high demand and low supply makes it difficult for:
1. Buyers to get an IPv4 address.
2. Sellers to get the best price for their IPv4 address.
3. Temporary users of IPv4 addresses to get the best value from their transaction.
You must be wondering “If IPv4 addresses are exhausted how someone can buy them?”
First, you must understand how they are made available.
1. All organizations that manage RIRs identify unused, misused or unwanted IPv4 addresses and acquire them for re-allotment.
2. This re-allotment is permitted to a few members of the organization in a long waiting list.
Next, if you wish to immediately purchase an IPv4 address:
1. Get in touch with Prefixx, an IP brokerage company that is registered with ARIN and RIPE NCC. As a registered member of multiple RIR, Prefixx has better leverage to seek and secure the right IPv4 address for you.
2. Share your organization profile to match with qualification criteria of Prefixx. Don’t worry, they are not very difficult to achieve, but they help understand your requirements.
3. Share your specific requirements so that Prefixx can respond with an attractive offer and mobilize a specialized team to help the network administrator.
4. You shall be serviced by a team of highly skilled and knowledgeable professionals with over 12 years of credible industrial experience. They shall assist you at every step of the transaction with proper documentation, seamless support.
5. Connect you to the right buyer from the huge network of buyers associated with Prefixx and achieve this swiftly.
6. The results of the transaction shall reflect the promise of customer satisfaction.
IPv4 demand is growing at a rapid pace but one can never tell when the world might migrate to IPv6 altogether. Hence, the best time to sell IPv4 addresses is right now.
The only question that remains is whether you get a good price for it in a quick, hassle-free transaction. Prefixx can help you answer these questions.
1. Prefixx has a firm understanding of difference in requirements between various RIRs and facilitating the transition of IPv4 upon sale.
2. Linking buyers is not enough, it is important to link to the right buyer and facilitate the transaction to the benefit of buyer and seller.
3. Prefixx is a registered IPv4 broker with impeccable record helping sellers achieves their sale.
4. Prefixx has the capability to line up buyers for IPv4 allocations as small as a /24.
5. Furthermore, seller can rest assured that the transaction and documentation are comfortable, seamless and efficient.
6. Your money shall be safely deposited in your escrow account prior to transfer of your assets.
If you have a temporary requirement for IPv4 addresses and do not wish to buy an address permanently, then leasing an IPv4 address is the ideal solution for you.
Prefixx can:
1. Lease you an IPv4 address from its huge pool of addresses across different RIR.
2. Connect you to a user with temporary Ipv4 requirement.
3. Help both the parties achieve a good price and a safe transaction.
4. If needed, get you connected to infrastructure partners.
5. Ensure that regulations are followed at every step of transaction.
6. Prepare your lease agreements and save you from the hassle of documentation.